pdv-beas3: Excel reports from databases

pdv-beas3: Excel reports from databases

pdv-beas3 for reporting and analysis provide the interface between your individual application in an industrial environment, a cross-plant report filing, the secure data storage in databases, and standardized evaluation tools as MS Excel - up to the automatic generation of scheduled reports.


With pdv-beas3 it is possible to generate meaningful reports with content from different data sources. The template management and filing of reports happen without complex database in the file system (local or network) – a feature that successfully positioned pdv-beas 3 on the market as slim and especially in use on single workstations.

Evaluated data can be read from different databases (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL). A special feature is that pdv-beas3 is also recommended for use in the technical-industrial environment. On customer request interfaces can be implemented to specific data formats and measurement techniques.

To design the templates and presentation of reports pdv-beas3 continuously applies MS Excel. Unlike conventional reporting tools which only offer an export to Excel, pdv-beas 3 integrates the proven Office application with the powerful functions as a central analysis platform. The report templates and the database queries are parameterized and allow easy customization by the user. Reports can be generated interactively by the user or activated event-driven from other applications so that this tool is very easy to integrate into existing IT infrastructure and existing business processes.

Why pdv-beas3 is so important for your business

Meaningful data is needed in the form of processed tables and graphs for the optimization, monitoring and implementation of statutory requirements. Large amounts of data from various data sources of manufacturing and production processes require a flexible and most important manageable reporting. Reports (fault, shift, daily, weekly, monthly, annual reports, etc.) must simply be possible to automate and distribute cross-plant to realize a dynamic reporting with minimal human effort. This is what our proven reporting system achieves.


Further Information (in German)

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